interior design Behold the drab emptiness of the remodeled Home Alone house, on the market at $5M Natalie Dressed
Entertainment A medical perspective on the injuries sustained by Home Alone's Wet Bandits Jamie Frevele
Boing Boing Gadgets I'm an Apple fan, but I'm sick of my AirTag's awkward design—here's what I replaced it with Boing Boing's Shop
medical Man with perfect vision surprised when doctors discover a chopstick lodged behind his eye Allan Rose Hill
happy mutants "Humble Caveman" excoriates "Yabba Dabba Douchebag" Tempe City Council members for their hypocrisy Jennifer Sandlin
Entertainment David Lynch forever changed my life: A filmmaker's tribute to cinema's greatest dreamer Case Esparros
christian principles Amusing: Karen Pence snubs Trump today, even while Obama and Mike Pence pretend to make nice (video) Carla Sinclair
public health As avian flu spreads, backyard chicken groups share conspiracy theories Jennifer Sandlin
donald trump New Orleans and Cybertruck drivers from same U.S. military base (and no, Trump, they did not eat pets) Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets Here's how to keep an eye on Fluffy even when you're at the office Boing Boing's Shop
politics In 1979, President Carter's bizarre battle with an aggressive swimming rabbit became a political nightmare Ellsworth Toohey