short films Knights and Relationships is an intimate epic fantasy short film coming from X-MEN '97 storyboard artist Sam Tung Thom Dunn
History History's most catastrophic costume party, hosted by a mad king who thought he was made of glass Ellsworth Toohey
bizarre competitions Wolfing down scalding hot biscuits and other weird contests from 1897 Mark Frauenfelder
politics Trump not technically saying he'll refuse to accept election results—he just won't accept them and has explained why Rob Beschizza
Comic Books Someone finally asked Chris Claremont about Professor X's weird sexy photograph collection Thom Dunn
san francisco Beloved eccentric Emperor Norton honored with street name in San Francisco Rusty Blazenhoff
books The Mysteries is a new graphic novel from Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Watterson and caricaturist John Kascht Rob Beschizza