kooks Rep. Goldman to RFK Jr.: "should I be worried about my genetics as an Ashkenazi Jew?" Mark Frauenfelder
kooks Pastor who prophesied that Trump won in 2020 insists that Trump is President today Mark Frauenfelder
fundraiser fails Urine-drinking anti-vaxxer was denied dinner with Trumps after paying $11,000 Carla Sinclair
christianity Watch: Michele Bachmann said she spent Christmas telling her 3- and 6-year-old grandkids that the "eternal fires" of Hell await them Mark Frauenfelder
kooks Marjorie Taylor Greene says "Satan's controlling the church" because Christians are helping migrants Mark Frauenfelder
Republicans Uh oh. Lauren Boebert tells Americans not to be distracted by "the natural"… "We are taking ground in the spirit world" Carla Sinclair
politics MyPillow guy says he is "very, very happy" happy that Dominion is suing him for $1.3 billion Mark Frauenfelder
kooks If Trump is removed from office, says famous pastor, "veterans, cowboys, mountain men" will go on a Democrat killing spree Mark Frauenfelder
andrew clyde Greedy MAGA Rep Andrew Clyde who snatched up $156,697 loan forgiveness for himself, says students be forced to pay their loans Mark Frauenfelder
george santos Federal judge orders unsealing of George Santos' secretive $500K bond cosigners Mark Frauenfelder
marjorie taylor greene Marjorie Taylor Greene's plan for breaking U.S. into two countries includes rules about sex toy displays at Walmart Mark Frauenfelder
andrew clyde Rep. Clyde vows to protect people who "accidentally carry their firearms through airport security" Mark Frauenfelder
cyberpunk Interview with Mondo 2000's RU Sirius on the internet's techno-utopian past and clusterf*cked present Gareth Branwyn