Comics Rare Nazi horror bondage comic from 1944 already fetching $110,000 at auction Ellsworth Toohey
Entertainment The original model for Star Trek's U.S.S. Enterprise emerges after being lost for over 40 years Ruben Bolling
music The family of Tom Petty moves to block auction of what they say is stolen memorabilia Ruben Bolling
television Buy the "Cheers" bar. Or buy the original Batman and Robin costumes from the 1960s. Ruben Bolling
protest Die-hard whiskey lover destroys collection in viral video, slams Jack Daniels for going "woke" Mark Frauenfelder
education Field trip to Willis Wonderland included in UCLA's summer kitsch & camp course Rusty Blazenhoff
donald trump Clarence Thomas to decide if Trump has immunity for the coup attempt his own wife planned Mark Frauenfelder