air travel Southwest plane drops dangerously low over Oklahoma, scaring people inside their homes Carla Sinclair
housing These are the top 10 "impossibly unaffordable" cities (and some "affordable" ones) Mark Frauenfelder
Russia City bus carrying 20 passengers in St. Petersburg bizarrely veers and drives straight into river (video) Carla Sinclair
Chaya Raichik "They're importing people who want to destroy America" says Libs of TikTok founder in revealing interview Jennifer Sandlin
Weird What is the mysterious creature banging on this family's door every night? (video) David Pescovitz
travel wins Man waits 18 hours for delayed flight, ends up having a blast as the only passenger on entire plane (video) Carla Sinclair
california 30 tons of bomb-grade ammonium nitrate vanish from sealed rail car in western US Mark Frauenfelder
"You chose the wrong person!" Oklahoma Rep tells cops he has a special card that prevents them from arresting him for public drunkenness Mark Frauenfelder