Entertainment Here's Paul Reubens dancing on his toes on a TV gameshow years before "Pee-wee's Big Adventure" (video) David Pescovitz
books Interview: Joshua Mills on his upcoming Fantagraphics book about the late comedian Ernie Kovacs Devin Nealy
art A Brazilian woman used fake psychics to steal over $150 million in art from her mother Devin Nealy
elections Bloomberg's $34m presidential campaign ad-buy is 1.1% of the taxes Bernie, Warren and Steyer want him to pay Cory Doctorow
science fiction Duke University acquires the archives of Charles N Brown, founder of Locus Magazine Cory Doctorow
Business Apple's world-beating financial engineering is teaching the corporate world how to exploit Trump's tax cuts Cory Doctorow
trump Elizabeth Warren silenced by 100% of GOP Senate for reading Coretta Scott King's words on Jeff Sessions Xeni Jardin
politics Mayday anti-super-PAC backs anti-corruption senate candidate in NH GOP primary Cory Doctorow