Entertainment Famous movie prop "accident": 1870s Martin Guitar destroyed during filming of "The Hateful Eight" Mark Frauenfelder
california crimes Violent road-raging Tesla driver up for parole after serving less than one-year of a five-year sentence Mark Frauenfelder
landlords Landlord torched his apartment building while blaring "We Didn't Start the Fire" David Pescovitz
russia If you want to understand Putin, learn about Alexander Dugin, the fascist Russian charlatan beloved by the U.S.'s far-right Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets Save an additional 20% off these masks perfect for everyday use Boing Boing's Shop
seattle Nirvana playing 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' one week before it was released (1991) Rusty Blazenhoff
guns Gatling guns, balloon corps, and other weapons introduced during the American Civil War Thom Dunn
lego My daughter loves LEGO, maybe their creative toolbox will encourage her to code Jason Weisberger
passengers Drunken gentleman on a high-speed train threatens the engineer with a fire extinguisher for speeding Carla Sinclair
music THE BUREAU: Part Seven, "Lockdown in the Building, News of an Active Shooter Near the Cafeteria" — with Mr Quintron's Circuit-Bent Guitars Ethan Persoff