quantified self Man does data-analysis on every piece of clothing he's worn for three years Clive Thompson
shootings UnitedHealthcare CEO shot and killed in Manhattan — looks like targeted attack, say police Carla Sinclair
cultural differences American tourist giveaways: Habits that scream "I'm from the US" Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Gadgets Who needs a social media team when this manages posts, comments, and chats for you? Boing Boing's Shop
cheaters Student busted using complicated hidden AI system to cheat on university entrance exam Allan Rose Hill
politics NY Times thinks Murdoch's sneakers are news—his attempt to destroy American democracy, not so much Ellsworth Toohey
fashion Here's the Piers Morgan vs. Kermit the Frog fashion showdown you never knew you needed Jennifer Sandlin
fraudsters Cringe at this montage of Donald Trump peddling his many failed products (video) Carla Sinclair