Horror shows Stephen King posts bone-chilling reminder of why Trump had to pick new VP running mate Carla Sinclair
horror Stephen King's 1986 directorial debut 'Maximum Overdrive' is still tons of fun Jason Weisberger
novels Why Cling to the Past? Exclusive essay by Stephen King's publisher about Joyland Charles Ardai
New documentary about John C. Lilly, the scientist who used LSD to communicate with dolphins and invented the sensory deprivation tank (video) Allan Rose Hill
Games What it was like working with procrastinator Douglas Adams on "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" game Mark Frauenfelder
History From the Pig Town Boys to the Green Avenue Stompers: A 1954 map of New York City street gangs Ruben Bolling
books Punk programmers and queer hackers expose Reagan-era tech corruption in Cory Doctorow's new novel, on Kickstarter now Mark Frauenfelder
Entertainment Bad writing becomes an art form in annual contest for world's worst prose Ellsworth Toohey
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