politics Watch the watchers with this homebrew map of surveillance cams in Tampa at RNC convention Xeni Jardin
politics PRESS act protecting media sources sails through the U.S. House. Tell your Senator to pass it. Rob Beschizza
law 5 years in jail for gay teacher who sent threatening voicemails to judge who OK'd "Don't Say Gay" law Rob Beschizza
drugs Florida boaters find $1 million worth of cocaine in ocean — but it's the coke's label art that's interesting (video) Carla Sinclair
rescues Florida police rescue 5-year-old missing girl found in Florida swamp after wandering into woods (video) Carla Sinclair
mechanical issues United Airbus makes emergency landing after "open door" light flashes Carla Sinclair
santa claus There is a school where Santa Claus learns how to answer heartbreaking requests Andrew Yi