billionaires ProPublica investigation finds ultra-rich pay almost nothing in federal income tax Rob Beschizza
taxes British Virgin Islands announces plans to finally make company ownership information public Thom Dunn
corporatism The sordid tale of Microsoft's epic tax evasion and the war they waged against the IRS Cory Doctorow
Business Rockstar Games made £4b between 2013-19, paid no corporate tax in the UK, claimed £42m in tax relief Cory Doctorow
corruption Paradise Papers reveal cozy relationship between Stubhub and Canadian botmaster/scalper kingpin Cory Doctorow
law Execs with long coporate crime rapsheets stand up for Apple's tax evasion and "the rule of law" Cory Doctorow
politics Former MAGA congressman fraudster who fought Obamacare now seeks medical bill help on GoFundMe Ellsworth Toohey
theft Jailbird MAGA sheriff sobs as he's caged for 15 years — luxury car collection seized Ellsworth Toohey
politics Hunter Biden to plead guilty to failing to pay taxes, likely avoiding jail time Rob Beschizza
AI France uses Capgemini/Google AI to identify undeclared swimming pools, netting nearly $14 million from undeclared taxes Andrew Yi
trump Trump's name is perfect for him: a "braying, bumptious mountebank" who repeatedly fleeces his gullible marks Mark Frauenfelder
when qnuts invade Butterfly Center in TX forced to shut down after QAnoners make bizarre, 'credible threats' Carla Sinclair