preventable accidents Tourists ignore "trail closed" sign in Hawaii — airlifted to hospital 15 minutes later Carla Sinclair
accidents Rushing rapids and staircase waterfall inside massively flooded Guitar Center (video) Lux Sparks-Pescovitz
climate change Sinkhole swallows entire car — along with passengers — on highway in Italy (video) Carla Sinclair
los angeles Legendary L.A. eatery Clifton's Cafeteria is back! (but is called Clifton's Republic now) Yoy Luadha
top talent RayonBase's fusion of synth-pop, country, alternative, rock, and jazz blows my mind Jennifer Sandlin
real estate Spoonbending psychic Uri Geller's palace for sale, complete with meditation pyramid and healing crystal rocks to lengthen your life David Pescovitz