american airlines "I couldn't believe the amount" — American Airlines passenger's bags drenched in vomit Mark Frauenfelder
politics Hidden fees crackdown leaves billionaires devastated as FTC demands price transparency Ellsworth Toohey
toys "Wicked" toys from Mattel featuring link to porn site pulled from shelves, now available on eBay Allan Rose Hill
airlines Your vacation could be doomed before takeoff: Flight booking mistakes to avoid Ellsworth Toohey
travel Spirit Airlines agent goes berserk, threatens to strand confused flyers (video) Ellsworth Toohey
artificial intelligence New AI converts customers' abusive phone rants into calming tones Mark Frauenfelder
News Ted Cruz shills for airlines, claims automatic refunds are "a dumb idea" (Video) Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Shop This AI-powered travel app subscription will save you hundreds and it's on sale for under $100 Boing Boing's Shop
twitter As brands leave Twitter, scammers arrive, posing as the disappearing customer service agents Rob Beschizza
air travel Attempting to beat luggage fees, an airline passenger tries to wear it all Jason Weisberger
U.S. territories Spirit Airlines denies Puerto Rican family a flight to Puerto Rico, erroneously saying they need passports Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets Get great deals on airline tickets with Matt's Flights, now on sale for $90 this Presidents' Day Boing Boing's Shop
travel Watch: Southwest pilot leans out of cockpit window to retrieve passenger's phone Carla Sinclair
air travel Gentleman, possibly inebriated, threatens Singapore Airlines crew member (video) Mark Frauenfelder