china Chinese citizens will have to submit to a face scan in order to get a new phone number Séamus Bellamy
turkey Turkish Intelligence developed a smartphone apps that lets its citizens rat each other out Séamus Bellamy
corruption The Snoopers Charter gives these 48 organisations unlimited, secret access to all UK browsing history Cory Doctorow
privacy FBI shuts off thousands of GPS devices after Supreme Court ruling, now having trouble finding them Xeni Jardin
special effects Watch 1907's "The Doll's Revenge" — the first cannibal killer doll film in cinema history Ellsworth Toohey
delightful creatures Cockatoo puts on silly clown act to make dog laugh, but nope — the pup ain't impressed (video) Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets Catch peeping toms with this all-purpose hidden camera detector Boing Boing's Shop
Delightful Creatures Bulldog acts like a tough guy — until he hears the words "Dunkin' Donuts" (video) Carla Sinclair
deep red counties Georgia mom arrested after 11-year-old son walks to town — less than a mile — by himself Carla Sinclair