News Supreme Court will decide on whether it's a crime to sleep outside if no inside space isĀ available Mark Frauenfelder
funeral homes Funeral parlor owner arrested for leaving corpse in hearse… for two years David Pescovitz
arizona "Slay on, queens!": Hungry javelina will cost Sedona golf club up to $375,000 in damages Jennifer Sandlin
air travel Air Canada kicks customers off plane and adds them to no-fly list for refusing to sit in vomit-soaked seats Rob Beschizza
History "Frozen Charlotte" dolls provided cautionary tales to young women in the 19th century to prioritize health over fashion Jennifer Sandlin
Kindness never goes unpunished San Francisco issues a $1402 fine for a Little Library Jason Weisberger
happy mutants Loose Ends project gets strangers to finish craft projects loved ones left behind Rusty Blazenhoff