sports LSU fans win the College World Series Jell-O shot challenge with 68,888 shots Jennifer Sandlin
podcasts Trans teen with superhuman powers battles domestic incel terrorists in new Audible thriller "Bloodhound" Mark Frauenfelder
Entertainment Listen to the early voices of SpongeBob and Squidward before they were ready for prime time David Pescovitz
tabloids Biden suffers strokes, Prince Andrew's new sex scandal, and a UFO over America, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
video games "Ramboos Big Adventure" is a video game designed to create a youth market for rambutan fruit Jennifer Sandlin
fascist states Texas A&M professor suspended for allegedly criticizing the Lt. Gov in a lecture Carla Sinclair
A master's degree... in science This YouTube playlist highlights 40 years of the legendary comedy troupe "Duck's Breath Mystery Theater" Jason Weisberger
Ancient Apocalpyse Archaeologist David Wengrow pushes back against Ancient Apocalypse—and urges us to consider the power of everyday people Jennifer Sandlin
Comic Books Love and Rockets gets a documentary after 40 years of being the best comic book ever made Mark Frauenfelder
Alzheimer's disease Why is the posterior hippocampus larger than normal in London taxi drivers? A.E. Gómez
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