politics Trump-led Pentagon is blocking Biden transition team from visits to military spy agencies Xeni Jardin
News Trump toadies Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie added to Defense Business Board after Pentagon purge Xeni Jardin
Business US DOD inspector general finds Pentagon decision to award $10B JEDI contract to Microsoft 'consistent' with acquisition standards Xeni Jardin
politics In Amazon.com and Bezos victory, judge orders Pentagon to temporarily stop JEDI contract Xeni Jardin
defense Anti-circumcision activist pepper sprays a man threatening him with a knife Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets Top Gun: new 360-degree flight simulator for fighter jet pilots unveiled Xeni Jardin
You can say that again! Kristi Noem finally gets real: "You can't trust the government anymore" (video) Carla Sinclair