politics Josh Gad, dressed as Trump, performing the Divinyls' hit, "I Touch Myself" perfectly captures Trump's extreme narcissism Jennifer Sandlin
rock star candidates Harris mocks Trump at packed Georgia rally of 10,000 people: "Donald Trump is feeling it" (video) Carla Sinclair
Spoken Word with Electronics THE BRUCE HAACK SONGBOOK is a vital and RARE piece of early Electronic Music history. Hear a Computer play through all of it. Ethan Persoff
trump Trump Doral resort to host golf tourney run by strip club, dancers auctioned off as 'caddy girls' Xeni Jardin
music THE BUREAU: Part Seven, "Lockdown in the Building, News of an Active Shooter Near the Cafeteria" — with Mr Quintron's Circuit-Bent Guitars Ethan Persoff