florida Florida killer clown who murdered husband's then-wife completes her 18-month prison term Rob Beschizza
elon musk Neuralink monkey attack scandal: former employee alleges horrific incident and wrongful termination Ellsworth Toohey
medicine Long COVID "extremely widespread" and "one of the biggest global health pandemics" Jennifer Sandlin
tabloids Testicles in a jar (and China's invasion of America) in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
activism Read about the activists who helped bring down bleach-peddling, wellness-grifting Grenon family Jennifer Sandlin
rickroll Fed up with the job search, a software engineer created a ridiculous fake resume and got a 90% response rate Annie Rauwerda
snake oil Florida family indicted for selling toxic industrial bleach as a cure for COVID-19, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, autism, malaria, hepatitis, Parkinson's, herpes, HIV Mark Frauenfelder
linkdump Links: EFF won't stop fighting NSA spying; luxury family treehouse; Jeb Bush doxxes the entire state of Florida (& more) Cory Doctorow