politics Kari Lake encourages her voters to get arrested in order to help her become Arizona's governor (video) Carla Sinclair
usausausa Man who shot up "Draw Muhammad" event was urged to "tear up Texas" by undercover FBI agent Cory Doctorow
reflections A giddy AOC reacts to the ousting of Tucker Carlson: "Good things can happen" Carla Sinclair
fox Tucker Carlson worries armed trans people might acquire multi-role stealth combat aircraft Jason Weisberger
milquetoast pence Mike Pence listens to Trump audio justifying "Hang Mike Pence!" chanters, but still can't find his spine (video) Carla Sinclair
censorship AOC makes Twitter executive admit company changed policy to accommodate Trump's racist Tweets Mark Frauenfelder
facebook Facebook approved ads calling for murder of Brazilian president's children Mark Frauenfelder
MAGA cultists Fox blames Nancy Pelosi and Biden for home invasion attack on Paul Pelosi Mark Frauenfelder
facebook Facebook blames those pesky algorithms for approving pro-genocide ads in Kenya Mark Frauenfelder
politics Canadian lawmakers to be given mobile panic buttons for when right-wing goons come to kill them Rob Beschizza