gadgets This old dictation gadget was terrible at recording voices. Living ones, that is. Rob Beschizza
barnacles Donald Trump suffers from a case of "the ick" with Kari Lake — tries to nudge her away from Mar-a-Lago Carla Sinclair
adorable doggos Crime-solving canine duo Detective Leni and Professor Fluff embark on a new case Jennifer Sandlin
Funny "Stuck on My Teefs" celebrates those glorious moments when your dog gets its lip stuck on its teeth Jennifer Sandlin
MAGA cultists Judge sanctions Alan Dershowitz for "recklessly" filing "false, misleading, and unsupported" claims in Kari Lake's election lawsuit Mark Frauenfelder
racism 3 Georgia sheriff's deputies, all white, charged with battery after beating black inmate Rob Beschizza
boring weirdoes Gentleman shrieks about non-existent "election fraud" in Maricopa County Jennifer Sandlin
politics While Kari Lake moans about slow vote counting, Katie Hobbs slowly inches ahead Carla Sinclair
arizona Kari Lake is frozen in time, thinking it's Nov. 7 — before the GOP turned on Trump (video) Carla Sinclair