donald trump QAnon declares Rittenhouse to be part of a "secretive transgender psy-op aimed at harming the MAGA movement" Ellsworth Toohey
soda pop users Biden is a drugger, says Fox News — and will go to debate "jacked up" on, er, "Mountain Dew" (video) Carla Sinclair
News Popular GOP activist: force "libtarded women" off the road for pregnancy tests Mark Frauenfelder
News Kremlin crony drools over Marjorie Taylor Greene's fashion sense and heterosexuality Mark Frauenfelder
Late stage Q indoctrination Roseanne Barr with Kari Lake at Mar-a-Lago warns youth: Quit "devil-worshipping, baby blood-drinking" college! (video) Carla Sinclair
politics GOP nominee shared violent fantasies about killing Biden over masks and televising Obama execution: meet Michele Morrow Mark Frauenfelder
conspiracy theories RFK Jr. gets proven a liar in comical shut down by CNN host (video) Carla Sinclair
maga QAnon hero who inspired "Sound of Freedom" accused of sexually assaulting five women Mark Frauenfelder
politics Qultists believe the Emergency Alert test will finally usher in the New World Order… for real this time Grant St. Clair
politics QAnon believer faces 5 years in prison for threatening to kill Texas congresswoman he mistakenly thought was transgender Mark Frauenfelder
mexico Sound of Freedom executive producer accused of groping underage trafficking victim's breasts Mark Frauenfelder