maga Daddy's little helper: Trump Junior's attempt at legal strategy is to target judge's daughter Mark Frauenfelder
elon musk Texas Judge refuses recusal in Musk/Media Matters lawsuit despite Tesla investments Ellsworth Toohey
american students U.S. philosophy student imprisoned after pushing railway worker onto Glasgow tracks Ellsworth Toohey
insurrectionists Moscow Marge bashes America again, calling for all to hang an upside-down flag Carla Sinclair
donald trump Crybaby Trump whines about "sleaze bags" Cohen and Daniels, now faces contempt charges Mark Frauenfelder
Republicans Sen. Mitch McConnell makes long-overdue announcement: he's finally stepping down (video) Carla Sinclair
skedaddling Marjorie Taylor Greene furious at Hunter Biden for ditching her on House floor: "Coward!" (video) Carla Sinclair
pecking orders Catty George Santos scolds (ex) Senate staffer accused of having sex in Capitol Carla Sinclair
just following gop precedent MAGA chaos erupts on House floor when Democrat says "no" to them (video) Carla Sinclair