charity Rare coins and other valuables found in Salvation Army donation buckets across the US Allan Rose Hill
Food Here's a guide to picking the best potato variety for mashing, baking, or frying Mark Frauenfelder
mysteries Star jelly: a mysterious substance that has confounded the best minds for centuries Mark Frauenfelder
television "I am currently embroiled in what may be the most preposterous lawsuit of all time" — Jimmy Kimmel teases George Santos for suing him (video) Mark Frauenfelder
whistling champs Woman shows off her unusual talent: nose-whistling a tune at 44.1 decibels (video) Carla Sinclair
world records Bella, a 14-year-old cat, sets new Guinness World Record for loudest purr Jennifer Sandlin
climate change New Belgium Brewing tackles carbon emissions by ditching gas for electric heat-pump boilers Thom Dunn