You can say that again! Kristi Noem finally gets real: "You can't trust the government anymore" (video) Carla Sinclair
Even too much for MAGA Doggone it! Donald Trump kicks puppy slayer Kristi Noem off his VP short list Carla Sinclair
News "I don't have conversations about conversations" — Kristi Noem says about her made-up encounter with Kim Jong-Un Mark Frauenfelder
News Puppy-killing MAGA princess Kristi Noem costs GOP thousands in cancelled fundraiser Mark Frauenfelder
News "No Going Back" author Kristi Noem already going back on her made-up encounter with Kim Jong-Un Mark Frauenfelder
dog-slayers Doggo terrified when he sees Kristi Noem on TV — jumps off cushion to hide behind couch (video) Carla Sinclair
News Noem's heartless puppy-slaying was a job audition for the cruelest U.S. President in history Yoy Luadha
moonlighters WTF? Gov. Kristi Noem just posted a 2nd infomercial — this time for shoe inserts — after getting slapped with lawsuit for the 1st one (video) Carla Sinclair
cringeworthy governors Gov. Kristi Noem slapped with lawsuit for peddling dental work on infomercial (video) Carla Sinclair
Move over, mike lindell! Gov. Kristi Noem peddles out-of-state dental work in high-cringe infomercial (video) Carla Sinclair