tabloids Meghan Markle's "casting couch" and an Epstein "sex slave" murdered in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
art The Prison Creative Arts Project showcases paintings, sculptures and drawings by the incarcerated Elías Villoro
airbnb Want to stay in the Sicilian palazzo featured in The White Lotus? It's yours for $6k per night on Airbnb Mark Frauenfelder
maga Marjorie Taylor Greene held an anti-trans rally at the Capitol, but nobody showed up Carla Sinclair
human rights No Más Bebés: a documentary about forced sterilizations of women of color in California Elías Villoro
marjorie taylor greene Marjorie Taylor Greene says man who sexually harassed AOC should be thanked [with amusing update] Carla Sinclair
Peter Dinklage says Disney's remaking of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is "fucking backwards" Mark Frauenfelder
subways There was once a "Miss Subways" beauty contest that displayed its winners on the NYC subway Annie Rauwerda
language This Mayan language animated short film is just one of dozens in indigenous Mexican languages Thom Dunn
employment December jobs report: Women of color lost nearly 10 times as many jobs as men gained Thom Dunn