raising a stink Toot toot! Donald Trump raises a stink in the courtroom — literally — and it's "putrid" (video) Carla Sinclair
longterm intruders Los Angeles woman heard noises and called police — only to find a naked man living in her crawlspace (video) Carla Sinclair
bizarre competitions Wolfing down scalding hot biscuits and other weird contests from 1897 Mark Frauenfelder
Japan Disrespectful American streamer who threatened to kill Japanese with atomic bombs faces 3 years in prison for trespassing Mark Frauenfelder
police L.A. Sheriff's deputy charged after allegedly trying to cover up colleague's DUI crash Rob Beschizza
climate change New Belgium Brewing tackles carbon emissions by ditching gas for electric heat-pump boilers Thom Dunn
Boing Boing Gadgets Pour Over Gooseneck Coffee Kettle will give you a pep in your morning step Boing Boing's Shop
tabloids Joe Biden's "dementia" and Ghislaine Maxwell's "shocking photos' in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan