News Before Robert Bowers killed 11 in synagogue, on Gab he offered to help a white supremacist hate group dox a journalist Xeni Jardin
mass shootings "Computer-generated" hoax calls claiming active shooters send Pittsburgh-area schools into chaos Rob Beschizza
trains Norfolk Southern gave $5 to Ohio East Palestinians affected by toxic train explosion Thom Dunn
tabloids Coronavirus cured (again), Britain's Royals clash (again) and the woman who pees alcohol (unprecedented) in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
trumpism A human being at Facebook manually approved the idea of targeting ads to users interested in "white genocide" Cory Doctorow
tech Alt-right social network Gab down after website, domain registrar and own tech chief abandon it Rob Beschizza
trumpism Jewish leaders to Trump: until you denounce white supremacy, stay out of Pittsburgh Cory Doctorow
daily mass shootings Twitter's daily gun death tally is a reminder that America has a problem JP LeRoux
crime Cop fired and denied severance for not shooting suicidal man holding an unloaded gun Cory Doctorow
law Mall cop fired after bringing gun to work and accidentally shooting other guard in arse Rob Beschizza