geology The ocean's salt could blanket the Earth's land surface in a whopping 500-foot layer Mark Frauenfelder
mistakes 265,000-gallon aquarium in Berlin hotel bursts, flooding lobby and killing 1500 fish Rob Beschizza
COVID-19 Red Cross anti-vax nurse who gave 8,600 elderly patients saline instead of Covid vaccine spared prison Mark Frauenfelder
Science The lioconcha heiroglyphica is a species of clam that looks like it's covered in symbols Popkin
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movies Douglas Trumbull, visual effects pioneer behind 2001, Blade Runner, and Close Encounters, RIP David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets Keep you and your pets safe from blue-green algae with this rapid test kit Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets 20 jaw-dropping deals you definitely don't want to miss out on this weekend Boing Boing's Shop
animals Crocodile dragged vacationing teen into ocean. Fortunately, she escaped its clutches. David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets The GoFish Cam lets anglers see what's really happening underwater. And it records video too. Boing Boing's Shop