Tim Burton Wednesday's show producers had Jenna Ortega perform her famous dance scene while she was sick with Covid Mark Frauenfelder
halloween Making a gorgeous paper model of Jack Skellington's house from The Nightmare Before Christmas Gareth Branwyn
Tim Burton Tim Burton "looking to develop" The Addams Family as a present-day, live-action series Rusty Blazenhoff
Tim Burton Neon Museum in Las Vegas gives live tour of Tim Burton 'Lost Vegas' exhibit Rusty Blazenhoff
Pee-Wee Herman Paul Reubens on how Sly Stallone inadvertently got Tim Burton to direct 'Pee-wee's Big Adventure' Rusty Blazenhoff
documentary Here's a sneak peek of 'Documentary for the Recently Deceased: The Making of Beetlejuice' Rusty Blazenhoff
Entertainment Christopher Lee reads "The Nightmare Before Christmas," the poem that inspired the movie Jamie Frevele
new orleans New Orleans merchant cleverly capitalizes on the latest news that NOLA Rats are "all high" Jennifer Sandlin