Technology Breakthrough in reversible computing technology promises to solve the computing industry's energy crisis Ellsworth Toohey
politics In 1979, President Carter's bizarre battle with an aggressive swimming rabbit became a political nightmare Ellsworth Toohey
politics Media Matters publishes useful guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda that "represents a threat to democracy, civil rights, the climate, and more" Jennifer Sandlin
carbon dioxide Supermarkets running out of soft drinks due to carbon dioxide shortage, possible crisis on the horizon David Pescovitz
tabloids Presidential perverts, Trump's feet, and Biden's medical crisis in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
vladimir putin New Age conspiracy theorist praises Putin and Tucker Carlson's charge against the Satanic Cabal Jennifer Sandlin
michigan Fraudulent elector compares legal stress to cancer diagnosis in desperate fundraiser Mark Frauenfelder
Technology The Titanic tourist sub that is now missing used "improvised" technology; it was steered by a game controller Ruben Bolling
law NYC subway killing: bystanders share their stories of watching Daniel Penny choke Jordan Neely ElĂas Villoro