MAGA politics Poor Trump cries about his arrest, while "lock-them-up" clip lists all the witches he's tried to hunt (video) Carla Sinclair
webcomics Read this powerful comic about witches and transphobia inspired by the Mountain Goats Thom Dunn
twitter American Conservative laments market concentration and private property as bad for free expression Cory Doctorow
movies Ayn Rand supercharged the anti-Communist witch-hunt in Hollywood, in which the FBI classified "It's a Wonderful Life" as secret Communist propaganda Cory Doctorow
gwot Internal TSA files reveal that they have no evidence the $1B "behavioral detection" program works Cory Doctorow
authoritarianism Climate purge: Trump demands list of Department of Energy climate negotiators Cory Doctorow
Business UK startup offers landlords continuous, deep surveillance of tenants' social media Cory Doctorow
transparency Chelsea Manning gets the US Army to cough up its "insider threat" training docs Cory Doctorow
University of Wisconsin paid law firm $133,376.75 to investigate professor's sexy cooking channel on YouTube Rob Beschizza
maga meltdowns Marjorie Taylor Greene explodes after news that Fani Willis can continue: "I've filed multiple complaints!" Carla Sinclair
iceland The Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft tells the story of Iceland's 17th century "witchcraze," complete with "necropants" Jennifer Sandlin
How to Influence People Management by Musk: there will be no toilet paper until the stack has velocity Jason Weisberger
cryptocurrencies Bill Gates' anti-cryptocurrency comments could make crypto even more popular Jennifer Sandlin
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