Qantas coughs up $79M for selling tickets on already canceled flights

Qantas canceled flight tickets

"Qantas Airways has agreed to pay 120 million Australian dollars ($79 million) to settle a lawsuit over the sale of thousands of tickets on already canceled flights," reports CNN

We have obtained exclusive recordings between the Qantas CEO and executives who orchestrated the fraud:

Qantas executive number one: Gee, I wish there was a way to make more money without buying more planes or offering better quality of service! — Read the rest

Person falls and dies at Ohio State University graduation — but ceremony eerily continues as if nothing happened

As graduating students began to file in for their commencement ceremony at Ohio State University yesterday, an attendant fell from the stadium stands to their death. But, as horrified as some of the attendants and graduating students who witnessed it were, the graduation bizarrely continued without interruption, and without a mention of the emergency situation going on right below their noses. — Read the rest

Exploding pressure cooker doesn't stop TV pitchman from pretending that nothing is wrong

pressure cooker explosion

During a live home shopping segment in Brazil, a host touted a pressure cooker that clearly lacked some vital safety features.

He cracked it open mid-cook and scalding liquid erupted everywhere, instead of shouting or at least admitting that the pressure cooker was a dangerous piece of junk, the desperate pitchman just carried on like nothing happened. — Read the rest

Fleece clothing a "serious pollutant"—it's made of plastic, after all

Synthetic fleece

Most "fleece" is just extruded plastic filament and its use in clothing is, according to clothing company Patagonia, a serious source of pollution. Washing them results in microplastic soup, which then heads into the sewers and hence to the seas.

During laundering, a single fleece jacket sheds as many as 250,000 synthetic fibers—significantly more than the 1,900 fibers Browne first recorded.

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Bernie Sanders, at 82, isn't done: Announces he's running for "most consequential election in our lifetimes" (video)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–VT), still going strong at age 82, announced today that he's running for another Senate term.

In an 8-minute video (see below) posted on X, Sanders wrapped his candidacy announcement with pledges he is known for, including his continued promise to fight exorbitant prescription drug prices, fight climate change, fight wealth inequality, defend abortion rights, and cancel student debt. — Read the rest

Puppy-killing MAGA princess Kristi Noem costs GOP thousands in cancelled fundraiser

gop fundraiser canceled noem

South Dakota's Trump-worshipping governor, Kristi Noem, has angered folks of all political persuasions with her grisly tales of murdering her own pets. And now, the GOP is paying the price — literally.

As reported in Salon, a recent fundraiser hosted by the Jefferson County Republican Party in Colorado had to be scrapped after Noem's admission of killing her 14-month-old puppy Cricket sparked a torrent of angry backlash and threats. — Read the rest

Lissa Soep's "Other People's Words: Friendship, Loss, and the Conversations That Never End"

Other People's Words

Other People's Words, by Lissa Soep, has me finding memories of loved ones in unexpected places and times.

What if the great love of your life is friendship?

In their twenties, Lissa Soep and her boyfriend forged deep friendships with two other couples—Mercy and Christine; and Emily and Jonnie—until, decades later, Jonnie died suddenly, in an accident, and Christine passed away after a mysterious illness.

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