politics Tormented Trump turns obsession with Kamala Harris into therapy session: "I'm very angry at her" (video) Carla Sinclair
lawsuits Chess grandmaster Hans Niemann sues rivals who accused him of cheating, including world champion Magnus Carlsen Rob Beschizza
Boing Boing Gadgets Did Queen's Gambit stoke your fire for chess dominance? This grandmaster training can get you there Boing Boing's Shop
sesame street A dark fan theory explores the illicit affair between Elmo's mom and his Uncle Jack Thom Dunn
Reviews Krampus trashes the horror potential of traditional mythology in a film that's neither funny nor scary Al Ridenour
timemachine This Day in Blogging History: Grandma Got STEM; New Zealand's stupid copyright law dies; Mikroman Cory Doctorow