Big Trees A California county tax assessor makes excuses for sending out 544 pieces of official mail marked "Let's Go Brandon" Jason Weisberger
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vanity plates DEZNUUTZ, 2HI, VENMO, and 3,000 other vanity license plates rejected by New York's DMV David Pescovitz
tabloids Trump's sex slave, a photogenic ghost, and Madonna going bald in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
snowball Here are an assortment of images depicting snowball fights from the 1400s to the 1900s Popkin
trees City of Portland planted trees in downtrodden neighborhood and then didn't bother to water them David Pescovitz
public art The Chairy Orchard, a funky art park in Denton, Texas, is closing after eight years Jennifer Sandlin
politics Spoken word artist Saul Williams released the EP "Not in My Name" two decades ago Elías Villoro
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video games Minecraft to receive a massive update: cherry blossom trees, camels and archeology system coming in 1.20 Grant St. Clair