public domain Racist Tintin to enter public domain in 2025; you'll have to wait a while longer for woke Tintin Rob Beschizza
music Art-pop band "The Dream Eaters" creates dark and funny earworms that are perfect for these difficult times Jennifer Sandlin
strong currents Teen clings to capsized kayak for 12 hours in Hawaii ocean before off-duty lifeguard spots him Carla Sinclair
horror destinations Extreme heat mutates cute baby on Japanese shop sign into horrifying demon-child — and tourists love it Carla Sinclair
ska Listen to Eddie Vedder's melancholic version of The English Beat's "Save it for Later" Jennifer Sandlin
kevin bacon Kevin Bacon sings, fails to win over his alpaca, Sharona, with ukulele rendition of The Knack's "My Sharona" Jennifer Sandlin
Boing Boing Gadgets This unique skincare tool fights redness, acne, and wrinkles — and now it's just $80 Boing Boing's Shop
trump Trump so orange in latest photo we need someone to hold up a color calibration board by his face so we can get to the bottom of this Rob Beschizza