politics Supreme Court rules 6-3 that Trump has immunity from prosecution for "official" acts Rob Beschizza
politics NY Times thinks Murdoch's sneakers are news—his attempt to destroy American democracy, not so much Ellsworth Toohey
supreme court Supreme Court denies shorter sentences for 1000s of low-level drug offenders Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Scientology doomed, Royal family doomed, and Island of the Damned in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
new mexico Crazy Zillow listing reveals floor plans inspired by Harriet Tubman and Frida Kahlo Jennifer Sandlin
world records Guinness World Records refuses to recognize youngster's record-breaking gymnastic hang Rob Beschizza
world records Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise turned 191 years old, and has set a record as the World's Oldest Living Land Animal Jennifer Sandlin
deaths Judge dismisses the manslaughter charges against prison warden and five staffers who let inmate starve to death in solitary confinement Rob Beschizza
Tenacious D Tenacious D frolics in waves for cover of Chris Isaak's 'Wicked Game' (video) Rusty Blazenhoff