LGBTQ Rainbow-hating Saudi authorities jail school administrator over "Emblem Of Homosexuality" Xeni Jardin
politics Further horrors from MAGA Republican governor candidate's secret online past revealed Rob Beschizza
texas Texas school principal arrested after beating girl with bat so badly she had bruises for days—all with her mother's permission Rob Beschizza
gadgets HP covers printer's USB port with warning sticker to make sure you don't go right ahead and use it Rob Beschizza
politics Broadcaster Pat Robertson is dead at 93. Here's some quotes to remember him by Rob Beschizza
social media Professional angler Blake Dyer loses Twitter account and sponsorship after siding with Uganda's plan to murder gays Mark Frauenfelder
hate preachers Ron DeSantis supports pastor who says gay people should be "put to death" Carla Sinclair
politics Florida governor DeSantis revokes Hyatt Regency Miami hotel's liquor license for hosting "A Drag Queen Christmas" Rob Beschizza