presidential election Remembering the Great Tamale Incident of 1976 that may have cost Gerald Ford the presidency Annie Rauwerda
psychology Stanford's massive tobacco ad archive reveals a century of psychological manipulation Ellsworth Toohey
predictions Joe Rogan predicts Kamala Harris will be the next U.S. president: "I'm just being honest" Carla Sinclair
History Gerald Ford's surprising prediction from 1989: How America will get its first female president (video) Ellsworth Toohey
tabloids Biden health crisis and Britain's clown prince in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
News Trump pardons Steve Bannon, Elliot Broidy, Lil Wayne, others — 73 pardons, 70 commutations Xeni Jardin
copyright Now entering the public domain: The Great Gatsby, music by Ma' Rainey and Duke Ellington, and other great works David Pescovitz
tabloids Obama's heartache and Hillary Clinton's heart in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Science Star Trek's Nichelle "Uhura" Nichols checks out the Space Shuttle Enterprise (1977) David Pescovitz