mexico CIA rapist tried to claim diplomatic immunity, sentenced to 30 years in prison Mark Frauenfelder
remote attacks Pagers explode all at once, killing 8 and injuring over 2,700 in Lebanon and Syria [Update] (video) Carla Sinclair
menacing mail Packages of suspicious white powder sent to election officials in 6 states Carla Sinclair
Fooling no one Albanian developers think Jared and Ivanka are peddling Trump's influence Jason Weisberger
donald trump Whining Giuliani schooled by official: "I know you're no longer a licensed attorney because you made false statements about the election, so allow me to clarify Michigan law for you." Mark Frauenfelder
twitter Brazilian court orders block on Twitter after it refuses to appoint a legal agent there Rob Beschizza
politics Vegas politician accused of murdering reporter admits their articles cost him a win Rob Beschizza
bureaucratic communication From "Iraqi head seeks arms" to "Kids make nutritious snacks": Epic headline fails Yoy Luadha
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