Sir Issac Newton You can visit Sir Isaac Newton's legendary "gravity tree"—and its many descendants and clones Andrew Yi
american students U.S. philosophy student imprisoned after pushing railway worker onto Glasgow tracks Ellsworth Toohey
cicadas Watch out for Cicada urine jets this summer: The surprising science behind the stream Mark Frauenfelder
happy mutants The Doo Dah Parade is the "twisted sister of the conventional Rose Parade" Jennifer Sandlin
skateboarding is not a crime Tim Jackson defies gravity street skating in 1990s Venice Beach Jason Weisberger
Rosemary Leary describes her life as a psychedelic pioneer and her decades as a fugitive Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets These toys and games can keep the kids busy while you're all trapped inside Boing Boing's Shop
happy mutants Medallion Status: comparison is the thief of joy, and John Hodgman is the thief-taker Cory Doctorow
jeffrey epstein Asking for pre-trial release, Jeffrey Epstein's lawyers say he has 'spotless 14-year record of walking the straight and narrow' Xeni Jardin