yuck "Maneater" screwworm that lays eggs in nostrils and open wounds headed towards Texas Carla Sinclair
mcdonalds Yum! Live maggots found by customers in a McDonald's restaurant, caught on video Carla Sinclair
Science Nostril-wedged maggots of Portsmouth: Otorhinolaryngologist's expert opinion explained Cory Doctorow
Kids Portsmouth Middle School warns parents about Smartie-snorting epidemic and the risk of nasal maggots Cory Doctorow
flights Flight turns back due to maggots raining on passengers' heads from overhead bins David Pescovitz
education This young zoologist wants to educate you about weird organisms, prehistoric creatures, evolution, and more Jennifer Sandlin
fox news Fox News and Infowars rant against "climate extremists" and expose the "globalist agenda" to "force humanity to eat bugs" Jennifer Sandlin
stop-motion animations If you're into maggot people made of clay who live in a decaying old house, then watching this stop-motion film will be time well-spent Popkin
mcmaggots Have you ever wondered how long it would take a giant pile of maggots to consume a hamburger? Popkin