Entertainment Famous movie prop "accident": 1870s Martin Guitar destroyed during filming of "The Hateful Eight" Mark Frauenfelder
movies Quentin Tarantino might migrate to television once he reaches his self-imposed ten-film limit Devin Nealy
fronthanded insults David Duchovny explains how Quentin Tarantino rejected his Reservoir Dogs audition Devin Nealy
movies Tarantino talks about Laurence Fishburne turning down the role of Jules in Pulp Fiction Devin Nealy
quentin tarantino Django Unchained at 10: an observation and celebration of the first hour Lee Keeler
movies Watch the scene from the Lancer pilot that inspired Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Devin Nealy
quentin tarantino Guardian review of Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood novelization: "entirely outrageous and addictively readable" Mark Frauenfelder
movies "The Hateful Eight" trailer is out. Quentin Tarantino's 8th film looks pretty great. Xeni Jardin