News Mysterious case of American woman found chained to a tree in Indian forest was a hoax, say doctors and police Ellsworth Toohey
Jimmy Kimmel MAGA folks fail basic test, revealing they don't even know what "America" is (video) Carla Sinclair
adorable animals If you need a shot of dopamine, watch this adorable vampire-esque rock hyrax munching on greens and sweet potatoes Jennifer Sandlin
television Ain't it Fun: new graphic novel reveals the untold story of Cleveland's punk music scene Lee Keeler
vinyl Crynyl: rock band Fall Out Boy releases new vinyl infused with their own tears Rusty Blazenhoff
television Watch this Wheel of Fortune contestant throw a round with Z, Q, X, and silence so her opponent would win David Pescovitz
Republicans Gentleman who drank wine at Capitol riot learns mid-interview he's now running for wrong political seat Carla Sinclair