all-purpose explanations Donald Trump squirms out of a question he can't answer with MAGA-proof stock answer (video) Carla Sinclair
music Let's Get what now? Original version of badly-aged Black Eyed Peas song a viral hit despite "censorship" Rusty Blazenhoff
star wars Disney+'s space people with ambiguous helmet rules go on another cameo-laden fetch quest Jason Weisberger
halloween Forget drugs in candy — Halloween is a day of ritual sacrifice for the cult of the automobile Thom Dunn
climate change Amazon carbon emissions up 40% but somehow still on track for "net zero" by 2040 Thom Dunn
Martin Shkreli The weird romance between "PharmaBro" Martin Shkreli and the journalist who first broke the news about his bullshit Thom Dunn
brexit After Brexit, Britain may finally lose its Marbles — specifically the ones they stole from Greece Thom Dunn
police This popular police "mindreading" technique is bullshit — but the things that cops say about it are somehow even worse. Thom Dunn