threats against democracy Donald Trump says he will take NBC and other news outlets off the air if he wins in 2024 Carla Sinclair
politics Rep. Paul Gosar tweeted support for terminating Constitutional rules, then deleted his tweet Carla Sinclair
michael flynn Retired major general of US Army: "Michael Flynn should be court-martialed for treason" Carla Sinclair
News Trump calls Americans who don't clap for him 'treasonous,' 'Un-American' while stock market drops Xeni Jardin
politics Haldeman's papers show Nixon conspired to extend the Vietnam war to improve his presidential chances Cory Doctorow
politics New book reveals why MAGA cult adores Trump: he's "openly corrupt, a liar, racist, and sadistic" Mark Frauenfelder
donald trump Wake up and smell the autocracy — Trump is serious about dismantling American democracy Ellsworth Toohey
donald trump Dirty money: Trump-tied firm funded the indicted FBI informant who fabricated false allegations against the Bidens Mark Frauenfelder