Minecraft is for the children

Minecraft (2025)

Yesterday, the Minecraft movie trailer emerged to howls of complaint from… adults. People like me:

It's going to be a "real people transported to the Game World" dealie and looks like one of those fancy shader packs that lipsticks the aesthetic so your video card has something to do.

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Minecraft movie teaser drops


The first teaser trailer for the Minecraft movie, starring Jack Black and Jason Momoa, just dropped. It's going to be a "real people transported to the Game World" dealie and looks like one of those fancy shader packs that lipsticks the aesthetic so your video card has something to do. — Read the rest

1:20 scale map of Mississippi in Minecraft

Mississippi in Minecraft

AtmosphericBeats makes real-world Minecraft maps based on geographical data and their latest creation is a 1:20 scale map of Mississippi.

This work is a representation of the State of Mississippi, USA, on a 1:20 scale with biomes, vegetation and other natural features derived from OpenStreetMap and high resolution land cover datasets

These are much better than the simple heightmap-conversion types of "real world" Minecraft map that were always a thing. — Read the rest

Minecraft running on a computer running in Minecraft

In this footage, you'll see a simplified but fully functional 3D version of Minecraft running on a 1MHz CPU running inside Minecraft, complete with a monochrome display. The output is running much faster than real-time—the machine running on a standard Minecraft server would get about 1 frame a week—but this is nonetheless the moon landing of virtualized insanity. — Read the rest

Minecraft rejects NFTs

Minecraft's developers announced there would be no NFT shenanigans in the game or its official environments, saying such applications of crypto do "not align with Minecraft values of creative inclusion and playing together" and promote "scarcity and exclusion".

Due to Minecraft's broad popularity, the game has been the target for third-party NFT world files and skin packs – something Mojang is not comfortable with.

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16-year-old in Russia sentenced to 5 years in prison for blowing up the KGB's virtual building in Minecraft

The Guardian reports that a Siberian military court sentenced 16-year-old Nikita Uvarov to five years in a penal colony for "training for terrorist activities." His "terrorist activities" amounted to planning to "blow up" a virtual building in the computer game Minecraft created by the FSB, which Putin's security agency formerly known as the KGB. — Read the rest