AT-AT homebrew Hallowe'en costume

This cardboard Star Wars AT-AT costume is magnificent, and well-documented on a Flickr build-log set. The best Hallowe'en costume I ever had was the cardboard C3PO outfit my kindergarten-teacher mom made out of rolled up tubes of cardboard spray-painted gold — this, however, is miles ahead of what my mom was capable of hacking up. — Read the rest

Watch these newborn baby bobtail skinks lapping up some tasty vittles for their very first meal

I'm totally in love with these newborn baby (and this mama!) bobtail skinks. I can't stop watching this 30-second clip of the adorable baby lizards—who were born yesterday!—rhythmically lapping up their tasty vittles next to mama lizard. The video was shared by Wild Animals Australia, who provides context:

If newborn bobtail skinks having their very first meal doesn't give you happy vibes, then I'm not sure what will. This

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Ohio Walmart mass shooting just 1 day after deadly Alaska Walmart shooting

Man sues walmart

A gunman shot four people last night at a Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio, one day after two people were shot and killed at a Walmart in Alaska. And at least 120 other people have been shot to death at Walmart across the country in recent years, but the "heartbroken" gun-and-grocery store continues to sell weapons and back GOP, NRA-owned politicians who oppose gun control. — Read the rest

Republican campaign ad stands up for mass shooters' rights

Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers, who was censured after threatening to "personally destroy" her Republican opponents at a white nationalist convention earlier this year, is an advocate for mass shooters. The far-right MAGA politician, who recently blamed the Buffalo and Uvalde shootings on "false flag" operations run by the Feds instead of 18-year-old guys with access to assault weapons, checks all the boxes in her latest campaign ad below:

"Opposes all red flag confiscation laws." — Read the rest

Check out this clever design for a toddler seat at a Japanese food court

This is a toddler seat at Terrace Mall Matsudo in the Chiba prefecture. As you can see, there's no danger of the kid tipping over in a high chair, and the kid's parents can face the kid, making it easy to provide the youngster with food-court victuals. — Read the rest