fox news Simply telling the truth amounts to a monumental decision of "historic magnitude" over at FOX News Jason Weisberger
FAUX Awkward silence after Fox News hosts recognize Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony as "powerful" Jason Weisberger
FAUX Instead of eliminating school shootings, Fox News hosts suggest turning schools into heavily armed obstacle courses Jason Weisberger
adjudicated rapists Donald Trump tells his biggest whopper yet: "I'm the one who gives women safety" (video) Carla Sinclair
china Having taken orders, Chinese factory must actually make massive AI slop gorilla sofas Rob Beschizza
Republicans "stuck with Donald Trump" Donald Trump lashes out after Minnesota Gov. Walz laughs at Trump on Fox News (video) Carla Sinclair
ghosts Woman's dead father told her to make a goblin doll and then his spirit occupied it (video) Allan Rose Hill
christian nationalism "Godless": Trump spokesperson describes Democrats with a slur she says she "wouldn't wish on anyone" (video) Carla Sinclair
soda pop users Biden is a drugger, says Fox News — and will go to debate "jacked up" on, er, "Mountain Dew" (video) Carla Sinclair
mindless cult members Poor MAGA man conks out when asked why CNN is "fake news" (video) Carla Sinclair