police I don't think the creator of this pro-policing political cartoon actually read "Frankenstein" Thom Dunn
education Teacher devises an ingenious way to check if students are using ChatGPT to write essays Ruben Bolling
News Elementary school investigates custodian who dressed as a creepy clown and photographed himself in the building after hours David Pescovitz
Peter Bebergal "Son of Frankenstein:" Peter Bebergal takes childhood refuge in his favorite monsters Gareth Branwyn
tabloids "Monster Meghan" and "TV's most-hated host" star in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
tabloids Sex monsters , #MeToo and Frankenstein horrors in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
hollywood Fun and rare 1939 color footage of Boris Karloff goofing as Frankenstein's monster David Pescovitz
Tom The Dancing Bug Four years of Trumpist surrealism and horror in one Book: Into the Trumpverse, comics by Ruben Bolling Boing Boing